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From Tragedy to Triumph: How a Burn Survivor Became a Source of Inspiration

Allison Massari is one of our most inspiring clients. In 1998, she was involved in a horrific collision that left her trapped inside a burning car while conscious. Her survival is owed to the selfless act of a man who witnessed the accident, ran toward the fire, and kicked in the car window to retrieve […]

Bill Tonelli Goes Back To School To Talk Shop With High School Students

The life of an attorney may seem glamorous to those on the outside. Boone High School Law Magnet students learned the reality is a little bit different. Dellecker, Wilson, King, McKenna, Ruffier, and Sos, LLP’s own Bill Tonelli recently met with a group of Boone students as part of the Law & Government Explorers Club […]

Holiday Safety

Emergency rooms see a spike in visits every December, with some doctors estimating an increase of 10–15%. Some of these visits are not preventable. However, many of them are preventable and are the result of negligence on the part of businesses. To encourage holiday safety, we’ve outlined some of the most common injuries and where […]

Potential Risks of Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgical systems are often described as a breakthrough in medical technology. Yet some doctors only get a week of training before they utilize the robots in surgery. Is that enough training? Da Vinci Robotic surgery hysterectomy lawsuits have been filed by women alleging that pieces of the da Vinci robot were left inside their […]

Q&A with Dan’s Donuts with Dad

1. Dan’s Donuts with Dad: What is it all about and why should CP neighbors get involved? DDWD is all about celebrating the joy of fatherhood. The concept started with several friends getting together with their kids and allowing the mothers to enjoy some time alone. It has evolved into an organization that promotes fatherhood […]

Medication Errors: Incorrect Dosages Put Patient Safety at Risk

Dosing errors – also known as ‘simply taking a tad too much or too little of a medication’ – can have devastating consequences. Indeed dosing errors may seem harmless, but in fact, these errors can cause short or long-term damage, life-altering injuries, and in severe cases, even death. Unfortunately, these types of errors are very […]

Do You Know the Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury?

Do you know the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury? Many people are unable to identify the symptoms of a brain injury because there are so many factors to consider. The symptoms can be similar to those caused by strokes and other health problems. Concussion symptoms can take a while to manifest. Some symptoms appear […]

Orlando Carbon Monoxide Lawsuit

I recently resolved an interesting case for a client who sustained a significant brain injury after she unknowingly inhaled carbon monoxide – she almost died. The story is told below, but it is important to share that the Defendants in the case refused to accept any responsibility for years until they were exposed as being […]