Home » Back to School: Florida School Bus Laws and Pedestrian Safety Tips
Accidental pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of injury-related death in the United States for children ages 5 to 19. Teenagers are now at the greatest risk and have a death rate twice that of younger children, accounting for half of all child pedestrian deaths.
Now that it’s back to school time, there will be many more pedestrians to watch for, school buses to yield to, and children walking or waiting for buses. This is a great time to remind ourselves of some pedestrian safety tips and Florida school bus laws!
Handheld Electronic Devices – Stress to your children that they should not be on any device while walking to school or a bus stop. We’ve continued to see an increase in injuries due to inattentive pedestrians.
The Wireless Communications While Driving Law, effective October 1, 2019 prohibits the use of a wireless communications device in a handheld manner while driving in a designated school crossing, school zone, or active work zone area. Violators will face a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation, that includes a base $60 fine, not including court costs or other fees, and will have 3 points assessed against the driver’s license.
As of January 1, 2021, the penalties for failure to stop for a school bus doubled. The penalty for failure to stop for a school bus is a minimum $100 – $200 fine. If a second offense is committed within the subsequent five years, the driver’s license will be suspended for up to one year. The penalty for passing a school bus on the side that children enter and exit when the school bus displays a stop signal is a minimum of $200 – $400. If a second offense is committed within the subsequent five years, the driver’s license can be suspended for up to two years.
School Bus Safety Tips for Parents
Make sure that you and your children are prepared and aware during their journey to and from school. We hope that everyone has a safe and fun school year!
Florida Department of Education – School Transportation Information
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